Monday, April 30, 2018

I'm Going On a Cruise!!!

So this summer for me is going to be really exciting because I'm going on another cruise!!!! Cruise ships are my favorite way to travel around the world. There's all you can eat food, if you don't pay for Wi-Fi then you cut off from society for about a week (this is great time to relax without your phone), cute people you'll connect with and never have to see again, etc. My Family goes on a cruise every time someone on my mom's side graduates from high school. This year's cruise is very special because the youngest on my mom's side of the family is graduating and we're all going to be legal! This is also the last cruise where my whole family can get together without any of the kids having to pay and before all of my older cousins in their late 20s start to settle down with their significant others. Here's some pics from my last family cruise. P.S. my family rolls deep!!!

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