Monday, April 30, 2018

I Hate Shopping

When I tell you guys I absolutely hate shopping, I mean it. Clothes never fit me properly. Yes...I know I'm 5'1 and 107 pounds and I shouldn't have any problems...blah, blah,blah. Do anyone of y'all know what its like to be too big for an extra small and too small for the small? That's why I hate shopping! My clothes are always going to be either too big or too small, they will never be just right.

I’m Getting Toned

This summer I plan on trying to maintain a workout regimen and eat a well balanced and healthy diet. I know a lot of people look at my size and think I'm in the best shape of my life, but lets be real...I get tired walking up steps. I am trying to get back in shape. Also, I'm trying to tone up the parts of my body that have a little bit of fat so I can replace them with muscle. My body will be snatched by the time i come back from school.

I Want A Puppy

Words cannot explain how much i want a puppy. Everyone on my street had a dog and my parents didn't love me enough to get me one. With that being said as soon as I get my own apartment I am going to purchase my very own puppy! I want to start off with a really cute and small dog. When I start my family i want to buy an additionally dog. The newest dog is going to be a bigger one like a German Shepard or a Husky.

Women In the TV Industry I Look Up To

The television industry is something I want to work in after college, but it seems like there aren't that many black women who are out there. I really admire Shonda Rhimes, Issa Rae, Yara Shahidih, and Tracee Ellis Ross. These women have changed the game when it comes to television and inspire me everyday to one day be where they are.

How Do You Say Gif?

So every time i use a Gif i think about how the word is suppose to be pronounced and I get upset. Like people really say it with a j-sound and it's not suppose to sound like that in my opinion.

You Can't Be A Color

Here's a video I made on being a "white black person":

Life After College

I'm not quite sure where I want to go after college, but I do know I want to live in the city. For 18 years of my life I lived in the Suburbs and while I am in college I'm living in a smaller country era. Once I leave Orangeburg I would like to move to either Washington D.C., Orlando Fl., Austin Texas, Los Angeles Ca, or New York City.

It's Okay To Be Weird

Why do people make it seem like it's a bad thing to be weird and act goofy. they look down on people because they do things different. But I say as long as your happy keep doing what you're and don't let anyone take your shine.

Blogs vs Vlogs Facebook Live Post

I'm Going On a Cruise!!!

So this summer for me is going to be really exciting because I'm going on another cruise!!!! Cruise ships are my favorite way to travel around the world. There's all you can eat food, if you don't pay for Wi-Fi then you cut off from society for about a week (this is great time to relax without your phone), cute people you'll connect with and never have to see again, etc. My Family goes on a cruise every time someone on my mom's side graduates from high school. This year's cruise is very special because the youngest on my mom's side of the family is graduating and we're all going to be legal! This is also the last cruise where my whole family can get together without any of the kids having to pay and before all of my older cousins in their late 20s start to settle down with their significant others. Here's some pics from my last family cruise. P.S. my family rolls deep!!!

College Is A Scam

Honesty college is just one big scam, especially when it comes to school work. We go to school to broaden our knowledge and obtain a degree but why are we paying to be graded on the work we do? isn't work experience more important than our GPA? And why is it  so expensive?  I was blessed to receive a full academic scholarship back in high school but I cant say the same for my other friends. I need colleges to do better

Me and Hood Movies

So Growing up I've never really got to the chance to watch a lot of the classic African American movies that most black people have seen today. By the time I was allowed to watch those kinds of movies I didn't really have the urge to go out and  watch them. Some examples of movies I haven't seen are: Boy In the Hood, Juice, Poetic Justice, The Wood, New Jack City, South Central, etc. You guys do not know how hard it is to be at an HBCU and not have seen these movies. However, this summer I plan on watching as many of the movies as I can so I won't be left out the loop.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Words cannot explain how stressed out I am right now. There's so many assignments that need to be completed and final exams I have study for. However, I'm going to pray on these next couple of days and work hard to complete all of my assignments so I can continue to be successful in school. Pray for me please.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


So a lot of commotion has been going on regarding Beyoncé's Coachella performance and how it was HBCU inspired. She had Greeks, the band, swag surfing, stepping, etc. Coming from someone who is living the HBCU's experience I am proud and excited that Beyoncé used such a national stage to showcase the culture of HBCU's. After scrolling through the Beychella hashtag on twitter, it got me wondering if Beyoncé would ever perform at a HBCU homecoming concert. We all know that her price is through the roof and most HBCU's would not be able to afford her, but wouldn't it be cool if she lowered her price for us?!? She already show off the culture to millions at Coachella for hundreds of dollar, but just imagine her performing at South Carolina State, Howard, Florida A & M, or North Carolina A&T. Here's what some people voted on when I took the question to twitter:
Looks like others want her to lower the price just as much I as I do. I mean looks at these pics! You can't tell me that you wouldn't want to experience greatness. 

Monday, April 16, 2018

So recently I got a new hair style that's was a little different for me! I finally got some box braids with a hint of grey in them and I am in love. I lowkey use to be wary of getting out of my comfort zone and tryin new things like this but now I'm feeling a little better. I've gotten so many compliments from nice to exotic! My hair makes me feel good about myself and helps me express my self in a better way!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Words cannot explain how much I dislike rainy days, especially cold rainy days. Like isn't it technically spring so shouldn't it be warm or something? Don't get me wrong rainy days are nice when you having nothing to do or you can be boo'd up with somebody, but when your single and you have a bunch a classes they can really put a damper on someone's mood. However, ladies and gentlemen reading this post, try to stay positive and complete some of those daily goals you set for yourself! Might as well try to bring some positivity to this terrible weather day. 

Monday, April 2, 2018

Interracial Dating

Almost every time you scroll through Twitter or Instagram you see a post about an interracial couple. Most of the time, that couple is white girl and black guy (probably a division one athlete), and they black guy is in trouble for doing "something illegal" to the girl (we all know she's usually living). Then a debate starts on why black men need to stay away from women outside and they need to start treating us black women as queens and vice versa. Topics like these really make me stop and think, should I date outside my race?

My answer is yes...heck yes. If it's love then it's love period. As long as your significant other isn't bashing your race or being disrespectful then i don't see a problem. Now I know their are sometimes where there are those incidents when a person traps an black person, but i don't think that should deter anyone from trying something new and out of their comfort zone. There are plenty of happy interracial couples out their in the world who don't have issues because they are caring and understanding of their significant others background. My best friend (he's black) has been dating his white girlfriend since high school and their relationship is still going strong. They both respect each others different and try to see life from each other perspectives. If I ever get into an interracial relationship I would want to be just as happy and comfortable as them.

Here's the link to my podcast on the issue: