Friday, March 9, 2018

Flashback Friday!!! Hey y'all I am back with another post and I wanted to share a story about a past experience in my life that really stuck with me throughout the years. When I was in high school, I attended a predominately white school so naturally I was use to certain terms and things my white friends would say. One day I dressed up really nice and one of my white guy friends came up to me and said I was pretty for a black girl and that I was the prettiest black girl he has ever seen. At first I had skipped over the first part of that whole statement and was just flattered because y'all know how many beautiful black girls there are out there in the world and he said I was the prettiest one he's ever seen!!!! I kid you not I was like this:

After another minute or two of me gassing myself up, I stopped and thought about what he had just said. This man really said I was PRETTY FOR A BLACK GIRL!!! Like he had really disrespected my whole existence. He had me questioning his statement like: What's that suppose to mean? How come I couldn't just be pretty? Why did he have throw my race in there? Would I not be able to compete against other races and that's why you said black girl? I was really having an internal battle with myself like:

And I know he meant no harm by what he said by sometimes, people need be think before they say something because if I wasn't cool or nice I probably would've blown up on him. I had let the situation go and decided to continue my daily routine but it was still in the back of my head. It had took me a while, but I had come to the conclusion that I AM BEAUTIFUL PERIOD. Not because of my race, my hair, my size, my skin color, etc. And I know most people don't mean to say hurtful or rude thing , but if you're going to compliment me make sure you come correct or don't come at all!!

Sincerely, Young Black, and Suburban